The Alchemy of Running and Obex Deorum books were written in the summer of 2024 by 2 x Olympian Anthony Famiglietti. Both books reveal his incredible journey as a runner and unveil the hard earned secrets he's learned after 33 years of World Class racing and 13 years of successful coaching. This paperback edition is a flip book that includes both books which are co-related like two signs of a coin. This is the only place you will find this printed version incuding both titles together as intended.
The first book, The Alchemy of Running, is a memoir of Anthony's amazing history as an Olympic racer. The second half is called the Obex Deorum, which means the obstacles of the gods in ancient Latin. It uncovers ancient esoteric teachings that reach as far back as Hermes Trismagistus and Ancient Egypt. Aside from the ancient Kyballion, nothing like this book exists. It is half technical guidebook and half inspirational psychological journey exploring the truth of who and what we really are and what it is we actually do when we run. The Obex offers advanced running insights as well as Anthony's highly unique personal running philosophy. His philosophy explores the realities of motion, time, space and all inspired action. It deciphers how they relate to the temple of the human body, offering a road map on how to tune the intrument of the human body to the highest precision.
The ancient practice of alchemy goes back many thousands of years. It is often misinterpreted as a means for transfroming worthless, inanimate objects into gold. In reality, true practitioners of alchemy aim to transmute themselves into gold. The Alchemy of running details the true meaning of this miraculous process as it pertains to personal growth.
Competitive runners recieve a prize of gold, silver or bronze medals. Many mistake these material medals as the primary object of attainment. The truth is that these medals are simply representational. They represent what each runner has become by way of their internal, alchemical self-purification through the crucible of exertion, pain and fatigue. We begin the process by burning away all of the doubts, weaknesses, or bad habits that keep us from transmuting into something more refined. The aim of all practitioners is to refine into the highest possible manifestation of ourselves.
It's time to reach your full potential. By this book, lace up your sneakers and start your journey as a traveler on the path of ascension.
The Alchemy of Running / Obex Deorum Dual Book - Paperback Edition
Anthony Famiglietti, also known as Fam, is a two-time Olympic runner and seven-time U.S Champion. He's also earned the rare honor of becoming a Sir Knight within the order of the Knights Templar and a Master Freemason. Fam has spent over a decade building out The Alchemy of Running as an extensive in-depth guide into the lesser known, yet powerful techniques and secrets he's used to achieve incredible running success. There is no other book like this in the genre of sport.